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Saturday, May 18, 2013

Humbled and thankful.

Posted this on fb a few weeks ago:

People who loathe the Catholic Church focus on the sinfulness of her people - the sinful clergy, the erring laity, the lukewarm community. On the other hand, people who love the Catholic Church see beyond her members; their focus is the Head, Jesus Christ, who is "behind the power" of the Church and, despite the sinfulness of her members, kept her free from doctrinal errors.

Being a member of this Church is a humbling act. Forever, you are scorned by the world and labeled as sinful; and indeed, you are. But it is through admitting our sinful nature that God's grace shall abound more in us. "Healthy people don't need a doctor, but sick people do. I did not come to call the righteous but sinners." (Mark 2:17)

Thursday, May 16, 2013

True story.

On martyrdom of the saints:

Reading the lives of the martyred saints always gives me goosebumps. I can imagine the devil say: "Man, I thought I could silence the Holy Spirit by putting threat into the lives of these poor followers, but dammit, they are so willing to die for their faith!"

Now I can make the sign of the Cross, attend Mass, and say 'I worship Jesus!' without fear of being crucified or fed to the lions. And for this, I am eternally thankful to these martyrs for dying for the faith, the faith I am now free to enjoy.

This is why the Church, despite all odds, managed to stand, firm and stronger than ever, for two thousand years and more - "Ang nagdilig sa Simbahan ay dugo ng mga martir."

True story, bro.

Thursday, May 9, 2013


Tue,May 7,2013

Was it all a coincidence that today, I...
1) was able to "accidentally" attend a Mass well-celebrated?
2) listened as the priest said "Don't worry, God is there" over and over, and felt as if God Himself was talking to me?
3) thrice saw a NEVER GIVE UP shirt?
4) saw the place where I yearn to be right before my eyes, and  was reminded of His purpose for me?

Yeah Lord, You never fail to manifest Your presence when I seem to forget.