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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Spiritual Battle - Plants vz. Zombies Style

Lately, I’ve had this fascination to Plants vs. Zombies. Okay, I know I am a few months late but when PVZ was “in season” I had other games to attend to (you know those games in Facebook). And when everyone got bored with PVZ it was my time to get hooked with it.

PVZ is a strategy game. You cherish your brains. The zombies attack the house to eat your brains. You plant crops that would protect your house. The zombies go to your lawn and the battle begins.

Spiritual battle is just like PVZ. I know it is quite silly to compare such a spiritual matter to a computer game, but remember that in order for us to understand God, He needed to come to the world. That means He needed to situate Himself in something understandable to us, for us to experience the fullness of Him.

BRAINS – the Soul

Brain is the very essence of being human. It is the most cherished possession. Without it, no thinking could take place. It should be well-taken care of. Brains are a yummy meal for zombies.

Our souls are the most essential part of our being. It cannot be detached from the physical body, but it should take authority to the body. It is everlasting. When all else have faded and turned into ash, the soul will remain to be united to its Creator, or will suffer eternal fire. Therefore, the soul should be well-taken care of.

ZOMBIES – the Devil

They are fearless. They come in groups. They have different styles to reach the house quickly and get your brains. Some walk. Some run. Some jump high. Others come from the sky. Others are invisible, too.

The devil is the enemy of the soul. The main purpose of its existence is to doom mankind. Its misery in hell pushes it to take us with it to suffer eternally. All of them have their different styles to do so. They target our weakness and focus on it. They will not give up devouring our souls until our last breath.

PLANTS - The Church, Sacraments, Prayers, Personal Relationship with God

The zombies attack, but when they arrive at the lawn they see a line of defense. They still try to invade the lawn, but could not go on anymore. Peashooter shoots them. Wallnut blocks their way. Cherrybomb explodes to drop them dead.

Without the Church, Sacraments, personal prayers, and your overall struggle to know Him, your soul is directly available to the devil. That is why it is important to hold on to the Church for your own spiritual growth. Personal prayer is important, too. One must have a personal relationship with the Lord in order to realize his sins, overcome his weakness and defeat the enemy.

SUNFLOWER – The Holy Spirit

Without the sunflower, nothing could be done with the lawn. The sunflower is the source of “energy” or points needed to avail plants. You should plant as many sunflowers as possible for more sources of light.

Just as sunflower gives out light, the Holy Spirit enlightens our souls and brings our hearts to God. It gives us the light for us to know the Truth. The Holy Spirit is the Light that the Church needs for its guidance. It is the Light that gives effect to Sacraments. It is also the Light that moves our prayers and purifies our intention.

This is the battle of plants and zombies. This is our spiritual battle. We may not notice it, but everyday, the battle goes on. Zombies come constantly to capture our brains. We plant some prayers in our lawn and the zombie is defeated. It cannot be avoided but sometimes, our plants are eaten by zombies. We should not be disheartened but rather, trust that the Sunflower would give use enough light to get plants again and win the battle.