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Monday, April 27, 2015

Love will find a way.

“Love will find a way.”

I heard it this morning in a song. In fact we hear this so many times in so many songs. And yes, I do believe in this cliche.

I believe that love is always a verb rather than a noun; that if we love a person, there must always be a corresponding action that will show that love. Thus, if you say you love me but treat me like a dirtbag, then I’d have a hundred reasons to doubt that love.

Love finds a way. Do take note that it is ‘love’ that finds the way, not the universe, not fate, not your friend, not everyone else. It’s all up to you, how great your love is for that person. If you love her or him, you will find a way. The universe will not find a way and magically bring you to the one you love, as if it owes it to us. Because really, it doesn’t.

Love translates to action all the time. A parent who works 24/7 to send his son to college, a mother who does all the chores, a friend who does a favor way too inconvenient for himself… These are all love in action. Even if they don’t say it, their actions do all the talking. And this is the best kind of love, way better than any euphoric love you can possibly experience. This is the kind of love that actually finds a way.

Okay, I know you’ve heard all this before, but sometimes we tend to forget. And so let me find a way for you to remember. :)