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Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Back home.

No matter where I go, I always come back to you. No matter where I flee, I always end up with you.

Ever since I've been with you, you had been a staple entity in my life. My activities somehow revolved around you. I have identified myself as always with you. And at one point, I have considered you a factor in deciding my future plans.

But life circumstances are bound to keep us apart.

Thus, I suffered a severe separation anxiety when I parted myself from you. I always thought about you, kept in touch with you as often as I could, and wished I was right there with you. I would close my eyes and wished there was a time machine, or a teleportation device that would bring me to where you are.

I thought that, now that I am alone again, it would be hard for me to establish another identity apart from you. And sure it was damn hard.

Thank God I made it through that pace. I was able to find myself, to make friends outside our circle, and to cut my severe attachment. I finally learned to live my life apart from you.

But in my heart, there will always be a special place for you. For when I feel weary and lost, it is in you that I find refuge. When I seem to be out of tune with myself, I seek you, and I am reminded of who I am again.

There are times when I fail to keep in touch, but never forget that you are always part of my being, seeped down to my very core.

You are my sanctuary. I will leave, find myself in places far and wide — but you will always call me, and I will always come back home to you.

    Di kita malilimutan, lagi kitang babalikan.