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Monday, August 10, 2015

Listening again.

I’ve been listening again
to the album I used to listen to
when I fell in love with you.

I’ve been listening again
to this album of a familiar tune
where every song reminds me of you.

These songs were once a happy melody
that kept me awake on sleepless nights,
that touched my heart and so much more,
that soothed my very soul.

Now when I close my eyes
as these songs play on the background
I remember the times you hurt me,
the times I hurt you,
the silly fights we could have let go,
the essential fights we could have not let go,
the times you made me cry,
the times I made you cry,
the times things were complicated,
the times we weren’t happy anymore.

And then this album
becomes a collection of sad songs
and all those happy memories
are replaced with the sad ones.

We could have worked things out
we could have just been honest
we could have cleared out the vagueness
of this confusing whirl we were in.
but we didn’t.

And so I am left
with this lonely line of songs I must endure.

I shall still listen to these songs
though it hurts me to the core;
I hope next time I play them
I won’t miss you anymore.