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Thursday, July 2, 2015

I believe in you.

You are again at yet another crossroad of your relationship: the part where you are mad at her and faced with two things — to forgive her and get over it, or to forget her and really get over it.

This crossroad is a tough one, for it predestines what your fate will be for the next couple of days/weeks/months. It determines what your emotional state will be, what your actions will be, and weather you will be alone on Saturday nights. Heck, it would even determine what your meals will be.

You are so used to this cycle you are caught up in. It happens so certain and frequent that a pattern has emerged — you and she become so attached to each other, get mad at something (big or small, it doesn’t matter), not keep in touch for a time, miss each other, keep in touch again, become attached to each other again, and repeat. It’s a vicious cycle that, admit it, honestly eats up all the hell out of you.

It’s a vicious cycle you know you must break. Unfortunately, this cycle is sort of a black hole  — it sucks you right back to it in an inescapable force. It is a real struggle to get out of this whirl. Srsly. How do you even.

It’s hard because at the back of your head, you have this lunatic notion that the cycle will somehow evolve. There is a lingering feeling, no matter how minute, that the situation will change for the better. You think that, maybe this time, things between you and her will be okay.

Simply put, you are still hoping. But dear, I want you to stop hoping. This, I’m afraid to tell, is a vicious cycle so hurtful that no one emerges from it victorious. In this cycle, no one wins. No matter how great things seem to be, no matter how close you think you are to ‘seeing better days with her’, it shall always go back to the cycle it has always been. There’s no escaping this. You and she will always be apart, together, apart again, together again until one or both get tired.

The cycle will not magically evolve. The situation will not change for the better. There is no ‘maybe this time’, there will be no room for another time.

The cycle will not end unless you ruthlessly snap yourself out of it. And how do you do that? It’s an enormous feat, but boy the rewards are glorious. It takes tons of fortitude to even begin to let go of such a love. Many tears will be shed, and it may take a long time to heal, so brace yourself. But the only way to break the cycle is to get out of it, isolate yourself far from it, no matter how painful, no matter how seemingly impossible.

You can do this. You have done this before. You have triumphed over far tougher situations, and this one is no different. It may seem too hard for you, for you are so attached…but you have detached yourself from various people before and you made it. This is no different. It's time to break the cycle. You can do it. I believe in you.