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Monday, December 23, 2013

Still, omnia in bonum.

Posted on Facebook:

When God led me to this company, my initial plan was to stay for just a few months until I get the job I was really pining for. The thought that I would actually like this job didn't occur to me. I thought I would hate the tiring routine, the overtime, the long travel, the Saturday work...

But in a mystical way, I found a profound joy in this job, which I didn't find in my previous job, and which trumps all those other minimal concerns. I learned that what matters the most is that one finds peace of mind in his work, no matter how hard the circumstances are.

This inexplicable joy and peace of mind is the reason why I am sure that this is precisely where God wants me to be right now. Finding joy in this work, I can feel that in this way, God is using me for his greater glory. I may not be the best and perfect editor as of yet, but with this joy I find in my work, I may finally let God perfect me, and in turn, let others see him through me.

Omnia in bonum (everything is for the good). God never fails in reserving the best for his people. May we never falter in believing in him, no matter how confusing his will sometimes is.

PS. By God's grace, I am now a regular employee, and I opt to stay longer. Thank you, Lord!