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Sunday, February 7, 2016


It's Valentine's Day again! As Raj of Big Bang Theory said, "What is it about this holiday that makes people so unhappy?"

Yeah, Raj, what?

I notice that in this holiday, not only are couples the ones who are all-mushy and showy in social media... The singles, oddly, are. They are the ones actively filling their social media accounts with motivational quotes such as "pizza is love" and "being single is awesome." Well, I'm not one to judge, it's probably their way of coping with this holiday, and they're probably as sick of these commercial stuff as I am.

Let's not fog our understanding; Valentine's Day is such a beautiful, wonderful celebration of an awesome saint. Valentine, a pious and courageous Christian of the early era, deserves this day of commemoration. Christians all over the world should imitate the strength of his faith, his undying Love of God.

Sadly, the focus has been lost on God, lost on Valentine and his good works, and has settled on chocolates, roses, dates, and all that romantic stuff. Love is a good thing, it is always good, because it comes from God; but romance is different, it's something you can't quite cling on to. It's fleeting. And some of us get bummed out by Vday for the lack of romance in our lives.

Let us refocus this lovely holiday by living out what it really stands for: LOVE. And by this love I mean God's love, the love that radiates to all our other relationships, the love that grows, hurts, waits, perseveres. Let us be happy to know that this love is plenty.

Happy Valentine's Day! God loves you!

St. Valentine, pray for us.