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Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Worst advice ever.

"Do whatever makes you happy" is probably the worst advice one could ever give.

We don't merely do what makes us happy; we ought to do WHAT IS RIGHT. Doing just whatever makes you happy leads you to countless undiscerned, selfish decisions in life.

If cheating with your girlfriend is what makes you happy, will you do it? If aborting that little "clot of blood" in your womb shall make you happy by guaranteeing you a better, undistracted life, will you do it? In these cases, if you just "follow your heart" and do what makes you happy, isn't that too selfish of you?

We don't base decisions on what will make us happy; we always consider the greater good.. Choosing what is right is regardless of our fleeting emotions. We ought to discern if our decisions are right or wrong. Sometimes, most of the time, the right thing hurts. But we ought to do it, because we can always be sure that the Good Lord is just and merciful and He rewards good deeds; something good will come out of it in His most perfect time.

Jesus never said "do whatever makes you happy." On the contrary, He actually suggested, no, commanded, the opposite! "Then Jesus said to his disciples, "If you want to follow me, deny yourself, take up your cross and follow me." (Matthew 16:24). Is God a masochist? No, of course not. He definitely wants us to be happy, but unfortunately, that happiness is not of the world. That inexplicable joy that He promised is to be with Him forever in that Place where there is pure love and no pain. In the meantime, we shouldn't be too happy in this world so severely, or else, we will get attached to it.

If Jesus merely did whatever makes Him happy, He could and would have not died two thousand years ago. If He followed His fleeting emotion, He would have "let this chalice pass," (cf. Luke 22:42). The gates of heaven would have been forever locked on us.

But doing what is right can be painful. It should be painful. Jesus took the greatest pain from doing the most righteous thing. Therefore, we ought to share His pain by doing the right thing, too.


"We know that in everything God works for the good of those who love him, whom he has called according to his plan." (Romans 8:28)